Activity 4.3

What’s Your “Why”?

activity icon.png

The limitation with the above exercise is that it tells us what you want to be, but not why anyone would want to hire you compared to other candidates. Therefore, the next step requires you to articulate “why you?” compared to others. This will allow you to create your unique value proposition—in other words, what makes you the best choice for the job. Remember, you’re projecting 10 years into the future here. To do this, complete the table below: 

What's Your Why Table 1.png

Here’s a sample of how these questions might be answered.

What's Your Why Table 2.png

In answering these questions, consider the things you love to do and what you’re good at combined with real opportunities in the marketplace for you to make a living. If all those elements are there, you’ve just defined your professional mission! If you have trouble answering these questions, it probably means that you’ll have to go interview more people or find some additional information. 

What If I Get Stuck?

Remember, getting to the point where you can articulate your professional mission is hard but important. Don’t be in a rush to move on and don’t be frustrated if you conclude you don’t have any unique value yet. At the start of this journey, this is understandable.

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